Example of the wonderful gradations that can be achieved with inks, and the the organic way to define the story of the ink using embellishments such as Posca Pens.
About Judy
Judy has owned, operated and been the resident artist for over 20 years in her gallery in Cambra Ca. Originally starting with Stained Glass, Judy created hundreds of customized windows and also won awards with her original work.
Unfortunetly, the toxicity of the lead was to strong and forced Judy to explore other mediums in order to remain in the art field. Judy worked with many mediums over the years but nothing grabbed her like Alcohol Inks.
A natural progression happened and Judy went down the rabbit hole with this medium. Experimenting, setting it on fire, adding additives to it, proved valuable in testing the boundries of this medium. Finding her unique style has made her work both saught after and collected by people all over the World. She has been featured in prestigious publications such as Conde Nest and Interitor Design Magazines as well as choosen as featured artist for many fund raising campaigns.
Judy spends her time creating between her quaint studio in Cambria and Ohana home in Hawaii.
See more of her work at or contact at [email protected]
Available Products
Inks 101 is 10 self guided, easy to keep up with modules covering;
Understanding alcohol inks as a medium, Products differences, Basic tehniques, Blending, Air and use of movement, Embellishments and imagination to create a story, as well as how to preserve your art. Finish up and apply what you learn with a guided simple project.
Leave with confidence to tackle the next level of working with inks.